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Had this Buggy since 1979

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:14 pm
by Timinator
I bought it from the next door neighbor of a friend of fine for $400. It was running and had a 1500cc motor in it then. Over the years I've fixed and upgraded chromed and painted. It now has a 2275 motor with a 48IDF Weber, HD Trans with OD 4th and some other goodies. I'll try and post some old pic's when it was closer to "original" when I dig them out. This is it in it's present stage. I'm not sure who made the body, maybe some of you know. It has real HD round glassed in wire runways on either side of the body.






Here's a couple of pictures from the early '80's right when I was taking off the body to paint.



Body off for painting (Ditzler Indian Red)

Getting a little buggy smooching during one of our parties at SDSU 1982 ish. Pretty much how the buggy came for $400. The motor ran for another 20 years till I took it out and replaced it with the big motor. It still ran fine too. Sold it to my neighbor in San Diego and he put it in his buggy that came without a motor.


Re: Had this Buggy since 1979

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 12:28 pm
by 5150bossman
Nice! I love the vintage pics with everone just piled on for the shot. :D

Re: Had this Buggy since 1979

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:41 pm
by lastmanx
very nice pictures, they tell the typical dune buggy story over the years including the last one, that all male buggy owners understand.